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Could a single marine unit destroy the Roman empire?

Could a single marine unit destroy the Roman empire?

Who Would Win? Historian Goldsworthy says the MEU would probably lose in the long term—without the ability to resupply their modern weapons, they simply wouldn’t be able to overcome the Roman numbers. However, he says, they could destabilize the Roman Empire, encourage civil war, and initiate regional fracturing.

Could I destroy the entire Roman empire?

Doubtful. “The Entire Roman Empire” was a pretty big place. You could certainly take over any small area that you wanted, but destroying the entire empire is too much for a thousand people, no matter how well armed.

What did Roman soldiers build to extend the empire?

Hadrian’s Wall is the remains of stone fortifications built by the Roman Empire following its conquest of Britain in the second century A.D. The original structure stretched more than 70 miles across the northern English countryside from the River Tyne near the city of Newcastle and the North Sea, west to the Irish Sea …

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What weapon won the Romans their empire?

The gladius
The gladius was the primary weapon of the Roman legions. The gladius was a short, two-sided sword used during the late Roman Republic and much of the Roman Empire.

Did a woman ever rule the Roman Empire?

Because of their limited public role, women are named less frequently than men by Roman historians. But while Roman women held no direct political power, those from wealthy or powerful families could and did exert influence through private negotiations.

What hurt the Roman Empire?

Of all the factors draining the empire of its ability to survive, four stand out: the changing nature of the external threat to the empire’s western borders; the frequent civil wars among claimants to the imperial throne; the migration and settlement of large, armed and culturally hostile barbarian populations within …

What made the Roman army strong?

This training combined with having the most advanced equipment at the time made the Roman army really powerful. The Roman army had many weapons and tactics that other armies hadn’t even heard of before! They would use huge catapults which were able to fling rocks over distances of several hundred meters.