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Did any other Protheans survive?

Did any other Protheans survive?

The Protheans’ primitive subjects survived and went on to become the present cycle’s dominant ones. Other races subjugated under them, however, weren’t as lucky.

Did the Protheans create the Reapers?

These giant machines are ancient; their true name is unknown. “Reapers” was a name bestowed by the Protheans, the previous galactic power fifty thousand years before, and the geth refer to them as the Old Machines. The Reapers are the original creators of the Citadel and the mass relay network.

What did the Protheans do to the Asari?

Upon discovering the asari, the Protheans crafted the guise of Athame, a benevolent goddess who imparted gifts of wisdom to the asari through her guides Janiri and Lucen, a deception that allowed the Protheans to rapidly accelerate asari development.

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What race came before the Protheans?

Zha’til. The zha’til were a synthetic race that existed at the time of the Protheans. They originated when a race known as the zha implanted themselves with symbiotic AI technology to enhance their intelligence in order to survive as their homeworld became inhospitable.

How long do Protheans live Mass Effect?

Given all this, my best guess is that Protheans live at least as long as Salarians but significantly shorter than Krogan. Numerically my best guess would be range of 50 to 150 years or very similiar to Humans and Turians.

Are the collectors Protheans?

The Reapers subjected captured Protheans to extensive genetic experimentation and implanted them with cybernetics. Eventually, the end result was the Collectors, a race of completely subservient creatures that the Reapers could remotely use as tools.

How old do Quarians live?

They really are tough. Both the Turians and Quarians aren’t very special compared to humans. Especially the Quarians aren’t that different from humans (As mentioned by Tali). While also here it doesn’t seem like there is a confirmed max age, it’s safe to assume they will live for around 150 years, just like humans.

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How old is Garrus?

In accordance with this timeline, Shepard would be 29 years old in the first game, making Garrus 25 years old. Turian aging is very similar to human aging, unlike with most other species. In the Mass Effect universe, both typically live until ~140 years old.