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Did Cate Blanchett enjoy playing Hela?

Did Cate Blanchett enjoy playing Hela?

Summing up her experience in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Blanchett said: “I have had incredible fun playing Hela because her capabilities are so surprising and so unusual. “She is not simply sinister. She also sometimes doesn’t want to kill people. There is a bit of mischief in there and playfulness.

Is Hela good or bad?

As a comics character, Hela is similarly big and bad, but also complex in her plans and motivations: She’s a notorious double-crosser known for entangling heroes in nefarious, last-resort bargains and agreements. In Ragnarok, however, she becomes a one-dimensional destructive force.

How much did Cate Blanchett make in Thor Ragnarok?

It was noted that Blanchett earned $12.5 million that year for her role in Thor: Ragnarok.

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Why is Hela bad?

Hela is extremely wrathful, ambitious, sadistic, callous, and manipulative. Her easily angered and impatient nature make her prone to killing and maiming anyone who stands in her way. These traits made her an effective and brutal leader, and essential to Asgard’s violent conquest of the Nine Realms.

Why is Cate Blanchett in Thor?

Cate Blanchett explained to the LA Times that her “biggest struggle” transforming into Hela was the need to feel powerful and credible as a villain, all while wearing a CGI suit and some over-the-top headpiece. She labeled the role an “exercise in tone” for this reason.

What does Cate Blanchett make?

Between August 2017 and August 2018, Cate earned $13 million which was enough to make her one of the 10 highest paid actresses in the world….Cate Blanchett Net Worth.

Net Worth: $95 Million
Nationality: Australia

Who plays Hela?

Vanessa MarshallAvengers Assemble
Katharine ChestertonThor & Loki: Blood Brothers
Hela/Voiced by

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Was Hela killed in Thor Ragnarok?

Eventually, however, Thor then returned with the newly formed Revengers and then reengaged Hela, which had then resulted with Loki unleashing Surtur, who then destroyed Asgard by finally causing Ragnarök and killed Hela as a result.

Why was Cate Blanchett a Hela?