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Did Count Dooku care about Obi-Wan?

Did Count Dooku care about Obi-Wan?

Dooku hoped to have Obi-Wan as his Sith apprentice and went as far as to reveal Sidious’s existence to convince him to join him. Obi-Wan didn’t believe him and refused, resulting in the two being enemies ever since. Despite this, however, Dooku had a healthy respect for Obi-Wan, considering him a worthy adversary.

Who was Count Dooku’s best friend?

So it’s his entire life.” We’ll see Dooku as a Padawan with his master, Yoda, adventuring with his best friend Sifo-Dyas — who would later take the fall for the creation of the clone army — and his time with his own Padawan learners.

Why did Obi-Wan not listen to Dooku?

Obi-Wan knew that Dooku couldn’t be trusted, but falsely thought that Dooku was lying because Obi-Wan strongly believed that the Jedi would be aware if something was out of place. The Jedi Order’s fall was basically a reminder that “pride goeth before destruction.”

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Would Qui Gon join Dooku?

Star Wars Confirms Qui-Gon Jinn WOULDN’T Have Joined Count Dooku. Count Dooku claimed in Attack of the Clones that Qui-Gon Jinn would have joined him. Star Wars canon has now proven that he was wrong. It’s been confirmed in Star Wars canon that Qui-Gon Jinn would never have left the Jedi Order to join Count Dooku.

Is Dooku Jedi lost a play?

Dooku: Jedi Lost is an audio drama written by Cavan Scott, and performed by a full cast of actors.

Is Jedi lost canon?

Dooku: Jedi Lost is a canon audiobook written by Cavan Scott and narrated by a full cast. It follows Asajj Ventress as she delves deep into the past of Count Dooku and discovers why he chose to leave the Jedi Order. The audiobook was published on April 30, 2019 by Random House Audio.

Who is c3po’s bestfriend?

C-3PO. R2 and C-3PO R2 and C-3PO were best friends. The two of them had been on countless adventures together. Several of these adventures took place during the Clone Wars, in which both droids participated in.

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Did Count Dooku actually want to destroy the Sith?

We see this when Dooku confronts Obi-Wan and asks him for help destroying the Sith. He’s telling the truth. He does want to destroy the Sith, he just wants to destroy the Jedi as well and enforce a government tailored to his particular ideals. But Dooku uses Force lightning only enough to know Obi-Wan can withstand it.