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Did they have SMGs in ww1?

Did they have SMGs in ww1?

The submachine gun was developed during World War I (1914–1918) as a close quarter offensive weapon, mainly for trench raiding. At its peak during World War II (1939–1945), millions of SMGs were made for use by regular troops, clandestine commandos and partisans alike.

Were any muskets used in ww1?

Muskets were sporadically used until WWI I think by poorly equipt armies probably especially used by the Ottomans and the small entente powers in the Balkans.

Which guns are SMG?

List of submachine guns

Name Manufacturer Cartridge
UNIVERSAL Machine Pistol Heckler & Koch 9x19mm Parabellum(UMP9), .45 ACP(UMP45), .40 S&W(UMP40)
MP5 Heckler & Koch 9×19mm Parabellum, 10mm Auto, .40 S&W
MP7 Heckler & Koch 4.6×30mm
VP70M Heckler & Koch 9x19mm Parabellum
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What shotguns were used in ww1?

The U.S. military was the only major power to use shotguns in World War I, issuing a modified Winchester Model 1897, known officially as the Model 1917 Trench Shotgun. (Remington Model 12 and other commercially available shotguns were also issued to the American Expeditionary Force.)

Is ak47 SMG?

The select-fire rifle was chambered for a new intermediate cartridge, the 7.92×33mm Kurz, and combined the firepower of a submachine gun with the range and accuracy of a rifle. Shortly after World War II, the Soviets developed the AK-47 rifle, which would quickly replace the SKS in Soviet service.

Which is the best SMG gun in the world?

The MP5 is a high-quality, reliable and accurate weapon.

  • Uzi Submachine Gun (SMG)
  • FN P90.
  • MP7 submachine gun.
  • Heckler & Koch UMP submachine gun.
  • Beretta PM12 submachine gun.
  • MAC-10 submachine gun.
  • Scorpion EVO 3 is a submachine gun.

What was the most common machine gun used in ww1?

When we think of the First World War the weapon that often comes to mind first is the water-cooled Maxim machine gun. The Maxim gun came to dominate the battlefield, rapidly halting the war of movement in 1914 seeing the beginning of a stalemate that would last four bloody years.

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What is the difference between an SMG and a machine pistol?

An SMG is usually differentiated from a machine pistol by the feeding mechanism. A machine pistol has the magazine located within the trigger grip, while an SMG has the magazine located outside of the grip, as is usually the case with a rifle. It’s important to note though that there is a lot of overlap in the rifle department.

What was the most common weapon in the Cold War?

There was no common weapon, each nation selected thier own but it had to used NATO standard ammo 9mm, 7.62mm or 12.5mm , I’m proficient with bows and small arms. The Cold War was such a terrible time to be in politics, and such a great time to be in the military industrial complex.

What is the difference between an SMG and an auto cannon?

If it fires a cartride with a diameter larger then 15mm, it is then renamed as an auto cannon. An SMG is an automatic weapon that fires pistol ammunition. An SMG is usually differentiated from a machine pistol by the feeding mechanism.