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Do all bacterial cells have plastids?

Do all bacterial cells have plastids?

Yes, prokaryotes have plastids. These are cell organelles which contain DNA, which are quite distinct from their chromosomal DNA.

Which cells do not have plastids?

Animal cell do not have plastid. Only plant cells possesses plastids.

Which cells contain plastids?

Found mainly in eukaryotic cells, plastids can be grouped into two distinctive types depending on their membrane structure: primary plastids and secondary plastids.

Are there plastids in prokaryotic cells?

Plastids are considered to be endosymbiotic cyanobacteria and are not present in any prokaryote since it is believed that prokaryotic organism gave rise to this organelle when the environmental conditions began to change during evolution since the structure and composition of the plastid has similarity to the structure …

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Are plastids absent in bacteria?

Answer : c) Animals , bacterium and fungi. They lack plastids and hence cannot make their own food by converting sugars into energy.

Do bacterial cells have endoplasmic reticulum?

No, bacteria do not have endoplasmic reticulum because bacteria is a prokaryotic organism that lacks member bound organelles such as the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, etc.

Why don t animal cells have plastids?

As these structures are used to manufacture food by photosynthesis in plants and store food, they are not seen in animals. They are one of the exclusive structures seen in plants. This is because animals do not manufacture their own food, they are heterotrophs.

Are plastids found in animal cell?

Plastids are the cytoplasmic organelles present only in plant cells. Plastids contain chlorophyll which gives green colour to plants. Animal cells and viruses do know to participate in photosynthesis as they lack plastids and make their own food.

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Why do only plant cells have plastids?

Because the work of Plastids to give green colour to plant.It is responsible for photosynthesis in plants. Therefore,there is no need of such an organ in animal cell as animals does not take part in photosynthesis.

Are plastids in eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

The genetic material (DNA) is present in plastids scattered in the cytoplasm (stroma) without any membrane surrounding it. Plastids are thus prokaryotic.

Where is plastids in plant cell?

Plastids are a heterogeneous family of organelles found ubiquitously in plant cells. Most prominent are the chloroplasts which carry out essential functions such as photosynthesis, the biosynthesis of fatty acids, as well as amino acids. Like mitochondria, chloroplasts are derived from an endosymbiotic event.

Are bacterial cells eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Bacterial cells are called prokaryotic cells . Prokaryotes and eukaryotes have some structures in common. A single loop of DNA free in the cytoplasm.