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Do autistic people have fully developed brains?

Do autistic people have fully developed brains?

Suzanne Tucker /Shutterstock.com Revealing scans: People with autism miss out on the steady increase in whole brain volume that typically occurs throughout childhood.

What part of the brain causes autism?

The cerebellum is one of the key brain regions affected by autism. The researchers found that neurons that lacked the RNF8 protein formed about 50 percent more synapses — the connections that allow neurons to send signals from one to another — than those with the gene. And the extra synapses worked.

Do the brains of autistic people look different?

The brains of people with autism show a variety of structural differences from those of controls, according to a large imaging study1. The differences appear throughout the brain, not just in regions linked to the condition. The findings suggest that many more regions are involved in autism than previously thought.

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Is autism linked to the ‘extreme male brain’?

Researchers have been investigating an intriguing theory that links autism to having an ‘extreme male brain’ – but have found it is not that simple. James Cook University researcher Dr. Liza van Eijk conducted the study, in collaboration with Associate Professor Brendan Zietsch at The University of Queensland.

What is the extreme male brain theory?

The ‘extreme male brain’ theory posits that people with autism process the world through a ‘male’ lens and take an interest in stereotypically male topics, such how machines work or weather patterns. And they may have trouble with tasks that women are supposedly better at, such as grasping social cues.

What is the extreme male brain?

Extreme Male Brain. The “extreme male brain” is an exaggeration of the typical male brain, which is stronger at analyzing systems than showing empathy, or so the theory goes. The researchers write that “leaving political correctness aside, there is compelling evidence” of differences in the brains, mental function, and behavior of men and women.

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Do people with autism lack theory of mind?

Theory of mind may be elusive for both children and adults on the spectrum. This does not mean that people with autism lack empathy, but rather that it is difficult for them to second-guess others’ motivations, intentions, or hidden agendas.