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Do elves live in houses?

Do elves live in houses?

Many Elves lived in great underground cities such as Nargothrond, Menegroth, and Thranduil’s halls in northern Mirkwood. Not only did Elves build houses, but they built chairs, beds, and tables, dressers, lockers, and virtually every type of furniture one could expect to find in such well-kept homes.

What do house elves do?

House-elves serve wizards and witches and are usually found under the employment of old wizarding families taking residence in elaborate establishments, like mansions, and must do everything that their masters command unless they are freed. A house-elf can only be freed when their master presents them with clothes.

How long does a house elf live?

200 years
According to the WOMBAT test, it is possible that house-elves have an average life expectancy of 200 years, cannot be ordered to kill themselves, breed infrequently and only with their master’s permission, can override wizard enchantments, and have an allegiance to their home rather than its inhabitants.

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How long do house-elves live?

What kind of houses do elves live in?

noble houses
The Elves are generally ruled by noble houses, which have held control of their nations for generations (and given the nature and long life of Elves, the rule of a wise king may exceed the history of a human nation).

How do you free an elf?

They can often be found at large houses and mansions. They are supposed to be very loyal to the head of their family. An owner or master can ‘free’ a house elf by giving him or her clothes.

How old can a house elf get?

According to the WOMBAT test, it is possible that house-elves have an average life expectancy of 200 years, cannot be ordered to kill themselves, breed infrequently and only with their master’s permission, can override wizard enchantments, and have an allegiance to their home rather than its inhabitants.

Do house elves age?