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Do I need a prescription for Viagra in Greece?

Do I need a prescription for Viagra in Greece?

Men will no longer require a prescription to obtain the impotence drug Viagra and will instead be able to buy it over the counter at pharmacies.

Do you need a prescription in Greece?

The Greek Ministry of Health recently changed the rules, and you now need a prescription for antibiotics like any other medicine. In exceptional cases when it is not possible to issue an electronic prescription, the handwritten prescription must contain all the details of the electronic one and name the illness.

What countries is Cialis over the counter?

Under the terms of the agreement, Sanofi acquires the exclusive rights to apply for approval of Cialis for over-the-counter (OTC) sales in the U.S., Europe, Canada, and Australia. Sanofi also holds exclusive rights to market Cialis OTC following Sanofi’s receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals.

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What is Viagra called in Greece?

So far in Greece, four different oral drugs have been available for ED treatment: Avanafil, (Spedra ΤΜ), vardenafil (LevitraΤΜ), sildenafil (ViagraΤΜ, and recently its generics Sildenafil ActavisΤΜ, Sildenafil PfizerΤΜ, Sildenafil SandozΤΜ) and tadalafil (CialisΤΜ).

Do you need a prescription for Viagra or Cialis?

Yes, you need a prescription to purchase Viagra. Viagra was approved in 1998 by the FDA to treat ED. Ever since its approval, the FDA has required a prescription for anyone who wants to purchase or use Viagra, generic Viagra or generic sildenafil.

How do I get a prescription in Greece?

Both your doctor and your pharmacist will need to be registered with e-prescription.gr, the official Greek website for electronic prescriptions.

  1. Your doctor and pharmacist should both be registered for electronic prescriptions.
  2. Ask your doctor for a cross-border prescription if you are moving from an EU country.

What prescription drugs are not allowed in Greece?

Codeine and/or Tramadol Medicines containing Codeine or Tramadol are banned in countries including the UAE, Japan, Indonesia and Greece.

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Is Cialis available over the counter in Europe?

Cialis is currently available by prescription only worldwide for the treatment of men with erectile dysfunction (ED). Under the terms of the agreement, Sanofi acquires the exclusive rights to apply for approval of Cialis OTC in the United States , Europe , Canada and Australia .

Can u buy Viagra in Europe?

BRUSSELS— The European Commission decided Tuesday to authorize the sale throughout the European Union of the oral drug Viagra to help men achieve erections.