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Do I need balun for loop antenna?

Do I need balun for loop antenna?

The most important reason to use a good BalUn is to ensure that the coax cable does not become part of the antenna system and therefore radiates as well. This has all sorts of nasty effects, think of: interference, EMI, RFI disrupted radiation pattern of the antenna, restless noise level.

What happens if you don’t use a balun?

The use of a balun will prevent the coax radiating any power or picking up any noise. In many practical situations it is possible to operate the dipole satisfactorily without one, but there may be a slight increased risk of interference if one is not used.

Do I need to use a balun?

A balun is used to help set up antennas in your home or place of business. If you’re installing a dipole antenna or one with a wire, you’ll need a balun to balance the transmission line. Without a balun, your antenna and electrical system are susceptible to interference from any outside electronic force.

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What is a 4 1 balun used for?

A balun with a ratio of 4:1 or more will transform the already low impedances appearing on some bands to even lower values. This will greatly reduce system efficiency and reduce tuner power ratings. The 1:1 ratio balun will just pass the low impedance through.

What is the purpose of a 1 1 balun?

Key uses for the 1:1 current-balun: a) is to marginalize the “inverted-L current” in the transmission-line feeding a dipole-antenna. This will prevent a radiating Feedline and prevent distorting the antenna’s radiation pattern. There will be some flux in the core but it’ll be minor due to the small current causing it.

How do you attach a balun to an antenna?

Usually you would make a loop with the end of the antenna wire through the eyelet and then wrap the loose end around the antenna wire. The pig tail lead from the balun is then wrapped around the antenna wire and soldered.

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How do I choose a balun?

Select a balun closest to the antenna feedpoint impedance (you’ll have to get this from textbooks or modeling), and use it at the feedpoint or where the feedline from the antenna ends. Be sure the feedline between the balun and antenna feedpoint matches the antenna impedance as closely as possible.

Where do you put a balun?

The balun should be located near the tuner, but still outside, keeping the coaxial cable between it and the tuner about 10 to 20 feet.

Do you need a 1 1 balun?

If a dipole antenna is fed with a coaxial cable from the transceiver it is always recommended to use a BalUn. BalUn means: Balanced to Unbalanced. This enables us to adapt an unbalanced fed system (coaxial cable) to a balanced antenna system (dipole antenna). The 1:1 BalUn 800 Watt is suitable for QRO use.