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Do lawyers do appraisals?

Do lawyers do appraisals?

Unless the attorney is also a licensed real estate attorney, they cannot perform an appraisal.

Can a broker perform an appraisal?

Unlimited authority – There are no limitations on real estate brokers and sales persons performing price and/or valuation analyses, including appraisals in non-federally related transactions. Broad authority – Real estate brokers and sales people may perform broker’s price opinions, competitive market analysis, etc.

Is BPO legal?

A BPO can be completed by a licensed or certified appraiser, but then becomes an appraisal under USPAP and state law. Due to the limited scope and legal ramifications, most appraisers will decline BPO assignments.

Is an appraisal a legal document?

An appraisal is a written document that shows an opinion of how much a property is worth. The appraisal gives you useful information about the property. But you can be charged a reasonable fee for the lender’s cost of preparing the appraisal or other valuation.

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What does it mean to appraise a law?

A valuation or an approximation of value by impartial, properly qualified persons; the process of determining the value of an asset or liability, which entails expert opinion rather than express commercial transactions.

Should the listing agent be at the appraisal?

“Whether it’s the seller’s agent or the seller themselves it’s often beneficial to have someone present during the appraisal to answer questions and provide that extra information,” said Beth Graham of Beth Graham Appraisals.

What is the difference between a real estate agent and an appraiser?

Ultimately, while real estate agents can offer a valuable perspective on a given property’s purported value, only the appraiser can provide an official appraisal. These parties may communicate about a given property, but the agent cannot attempt to influence the appraiser’s final valuation.

Which is better BPO or appraisal?

Appraisals are typically more comprehensive than a broker price opinion. In addition, BPOs can be performed more quickly since they account for less data. These may be used by banks for deciding on a listing price when selling a home, finding an estate price or establishing the current value for an insurance policy.

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Can a real estate agent give an opinion of value?

Licensed real estate brokers provide an opinion of value to homeowners for a variety of purposes. Examples include determining a listing price for selling a home, establishing the value of a home for an estate or other legal matters, and determining the current value of a home for insurance purposes.