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Do Nepalese need work permit to work in India?

Do Nepalese need work permit to work in India?

While Nepalis going to work in a third country have to apply for a labour permit from the Nepal government, Nepalis going to work in India do not receive such permits. “Nepali workers in India do not have to take work permits and get insurance before migrating.

Are Nepali allowed to work in India?

This enables Nepalese and Indian citizens to move freely across the border without passport or visa, live and work in either country and own property or conduct trade or business in either country. Reciprocally, many Nepalese live, own property and conduct business freely in India.

Can Nepal work in Indian without passport?

As per indo-nepal agreement, indian citizen no need to show/keep passport with them.. no need to take visa.. Only at india immigration they ask to show the passport to stamp an exit stamp.. Although passport is not necessary, but I will suggest you to keep with you.

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How can a Nepali citizen get an eligibility certificate to get Indian government jobs?

There cannot be a blanket permission for all Nepali citizens to apply for govt jobs in India. You really need to check this with Indian embassy in Nepal, who should be the right authority to issue such certificates.

Does Nepali need visa for India?

(C) A citizen of Nepal or Bhutan must have a visa for India if he/she is entering India from China, Macau, Hong Kong, Pakistan and Maldives.

How can I get Indian PCC from Nepal?

1) Proof of deceased being an Indian National….X. POLICE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE FOR INDIAN NATIONALS.

  1. Request Application.
  2. Two recent passport size photographs.
  3. Photocopy of Indian Embassy Registration Certificate/Proof of Stay in Nepal.
  4. Copy of Passport.
  5. Copy of sponsorship letter.
  6. Fees: NRs 3170/-

Do Nepal need visa for India?

As Per The Existing Rule, A Nepali Entering India By Land Or Air Direct From Nepal Does Not Require A Passport Or Visa, But Required To Be In Possession An Identity Card Establishing His/her Identity As A Nepalese Citizen.

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Is Passport proof of citizenship?

A passport is evidence of citizenship and also serves as a travel document if you need to travel. If you were previously issued a Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization and need to obtain a replacement, you should file a Form N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document.

Is work permit required for Nepali National for job in India?

As regards ur query, it is submitted that no work permit is required for a nepali national for a job in india. There is an open border between the two countries and also treaty of peace and friendship 1950. However , identity of the person must be checked and I’d proof document to be obtained to avoid mistaken identity.

How to open a business in Nepal from India?

India is the source of foreign investment of Nepal. Nepal-India treaty make possible to register any type of company in Nepal and make the profit for Indian nationals. Small business to large manufacturing company can set up easily and shortly. To open new company in Nepal you can come to Nepal directly with your ID card and passport.

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Can We hire a non-Indian person in India?

So that we can hire Non-Indian person. As regards ur query, it is submitted that no work permit is required for a nepali national for a job in india. There is an open border between the two countries and also treaty of peace and friendship 1950.

Where do most Indians work in Nepal?

A lot of Indians are found in working in the sector of construction, wholesale and retail trading of goods and in restaurants, mountaineering. Nepal is the country having the largest Indian diaspora with more than 4 million Indian origin people or citizen living in their country.