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Do Peace Corps volunteers have sex?

Do Peace Corps volunteers have sex?

Bottom line, if you want to have sex, it is available. Peace Corps volunteers are typically young, healthy, and mixed gender. I do not think there is a force in the world that would stop all of them from having sex, given the length of their stay.

What happens if you get pregnant in the Peace Corps?

We provide all necessary medical and psychological care associated with a Volunteer pregnancy, with the exception that Peace Corps cannot pay for abortion services, except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape.

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Does the Peace Corps accept same sex couples?

Yes. The Peace Corps accepts same-sex couples. Both you and your partner must apply at the same time and qualify for assignments in the same country. Couples who have been in a committed relationship for at least a year before they begin service are better able to adapt to the challenges of the Peace Corps.

Is working for Peace Corps worth it?

Yes, the Peace Corps is a good choice when you’re finishing school and have nothing but time and freedom, but you shouldn’t go just because you’re afraid of having nothing else lined up. In case I haven’t convinced you already, being a Peace Corps volunteer isn’t an easy job.

How many Peace Corps volunteers have died?

Deaths in the Peace Corps are relatively rare, and often occur as a result of an accident or injuries. Including Ms. Heiderman, nine volunteers have died in the past three years.

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Can you have a baby in the Peace Corps?

Minor children are not permitted to accompany Peace Corps Volunteers. If you have dependent children, you must ensure that adequate arrangements have been made for their care and support during your Peace Corps service. The Peace Corps requires you to live in Peace Corps-approved housing, which will vary by country.

Why should I not join the Peace Corps?

  • 1 // you don’t view Peace Corps as a real job. This is the biggest misunderstanding about what the Peace Corps is and does.
  • 2 // you’re looking for a way to vacation long-term.
  • 3 // you’re not ready to stay in one place.
  • 4 // you need certainty.
  • 5 // you’re not in a good place to leave family for long stretches of time.