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Do poodles do well with other dogs?

Do poodles do well with other dogs?

Extremely intelligent, poodles are among the most trainable dog breeds. Standard Poodles are great with children and get along with other dogs, but all varieties should be socialized and slowly introduced when meeting other animals.

Are Pomeranians friendly with other dogs?

Poms generally get along well with other pets, but caution should be used mixing any toy breed with large breeds that might injure a toy dog accidentally. If raised with children they do quite well; if not, they may be reserved. Poms are excellent watchdogs with their alert attitude and their tendency to bark.

What animals get along with Pomeranians?

It’s always best to bring a kitten or very young cat into a Pomeranian household. The kitten will quickly bond with other household pets and become a best buddy to your Pomeranian. If you want to adopt an older cat who is currently living in a shelter, you must get as much information about him as possible.

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Are poodles aggressive to other dogs?

Poodles are not typically aggressive animals, but they can develop anxiety that may lead to aggressive behaviors. Another potential behavioral issue for Poodles is that they tend to assert dominance over both people and other dogs. They need to be heavily socialized so they recognize others as companions.

What dogs get along with poodle?

Either way, here is a list of dog breeds that Poodles usually get along with:

  • Other Poodles.
  • Airedale.
  • Bassett.
  • Beagle.
  • Boston Terrier.
  • Bouvier.
  • French Bulldog.
  • Schnauzer.

Why do Pomeranians hate other dogs?

Pomeranians, like many other dog breeds are highly social animals and normally have no trouble getting along with other dogs, as well as other animals. The primary reason why your dog may not get along well with other dogs is because of a lack of socialization.
