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Do RCA interconnects make a difference?

Do RCA interconnects make a difference?

So, do RCA cables make a difference? Premium RCA cables can make a difference, whether you hear it or not depends on your setup and expertise. Good RCA cables make a lot of difference for trained ears and a good sound system. Indeed, you should even upgrade your power cable to avoid any unwanted electrical noises.

How do I know what RCA cable I have?

The RCA connectors are usually colored white for the left channel and red for the right channel.

Do expensive RCA cables make a difference?

Otherwise, there’s no difference. No one has ever measured an audible difference between cables. No one has ever heard a difference when they didn’t know what cable they wete listening to. Everything else can be chalked up to local folklore and superstition.

Do expensive interconnects make a difference?

The honest truth about expensive cables is that they really don’t make much difference to audio and video quality. Also, once you reach a certain price range (anything above $50), you’re only really paying for a brand name.

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Are expensive interconnects worth it?

Not really. Which cables offer the “best” sound for your system (and to your ears) is impossible to predict and has nothing to do with price. An expensive cable might sound worse on your system than cheap cable. Or it might sound better.

Are shorter interconnects better?

Summary of length guidelines Regardless of the cost of interconnect and speaker cables, it is always better to make the interconnects shorter and the speaker cable longer. Inexpensive interconnects should be limited to 1 meter or shorter overall based upon 1/2 the maximum length guidelines.

How long should Interconnects be?

The optimum length relationship of inexpensive interconnect and speaker cable is approximately (inter) = 4+0.343(spkr) (in feet). Therefore, in general, inexpensive interconnects should be 1/3 the length of 11AWG ZIP speaker cables or shorter (1/3 rule).

Do interconnects make any difference?

Honestly, Cables make a difference. And “wrong “cables can make the wrong difference. In my experience speaker cables make the greater difference, maybe because they are usually a lot longer. Interconnects do however still make a difference.