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Do Sri Lankans have long names?

Do Sri Lankans have long names?

In fact, two other Sri Lankans have longer names than Vaas; Hemantha Wickramaratne and Sachithra Senanayake are the two ahead with 55 and 53 characters respectively to their full names. There is one Sri Lankan with a seven-word name, but those seven words add up to only 49 characters!

Is De Silva a Sri Lankan surname?

Portugal and Brazil. ‘Silva’ and ‘de Silva’ are very common surnames in Sri Lanka, but doesn’t necessarily mean the holder is of Portuguese descent—just that the holders ancestors subscribed to the cultural hegemony perpetuated by the Portuguese. Movement of people has led to the name being used in many places.

What is the first name in Sri Lanka?

Naming. For Sinhalese people, the name usually consists of three parts. The first name is the patronymic name of the father, ancestor or ‘house’ and often has the suffix ‘-ge’ at the end of the name. The second name is the personal name and the third name is the surname.

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Is Nathan a Sri Lankan name?

Ramanathan is derived from Rama (a Hindu god) and the Sanskrit word nath, meaning “lord.” The name Ramanathan is given to the Hindu god Shiva at Rameshwaram, one of the southernmost towns in India….Ramanathan.

Meaning Lord of Rama
Region of origin Southern India North-eastern Sri Lanka
Other names
Short form(s) Nathan

What nationality is Desilva?


Meaning “forest, woodland or jungle”
Region of origin Portugal
Other names
Variant form(s) Zilva

Why did the Portuguese come to Sri Lanka?

The Portuguese arrived in Sri Lanka in 1505 and established trade relations with the Kotte kingdom. During the early 16th century their intentions were directed towards defending their trading interests, particularly the lucrative spice trade.