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Do welcome mats allow vampires in?

Do welcome mats allow vampires in?

Resolved: That a welcome mat on one’s doorstep meets the invitation requirement that allows vampires to enter a place of residence. PRO: Look, it says “welcome” right on the mat. Therefore, vampires can go right on in if they see a welcome mat.

Can vampires enter public buildings?

Public places can be freely visited by vampires as there is no protection on them. Churches and sacred places are equivalent for some believers to homes.

Why can’t vampires cross thresholds?

In folklore and popular culture, a vampire is often unable to cross a threshold unless invited. The connection between thresholds and vampires seems to be the concept of allowance and entitlement. Once a commitment is made to allow evil, evil can re-enter at any time.

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Can vampires open doors?

This answer by Philipp suggests a world where doors are operated electronically, and vampires don’t trigger the sensors to open the doors the same way that humans do. The only way to get through the door is for someone else to open it for them (essentially “inviting” them in).

Why shouldn’t you invite a vampire into your house?

Vampires cannot on their own enter a house without an invitation because the threshold on a mythological and spiritual level is considered as a kind of magical and protective barrier that gives security to the home. If Vampires try to enter uninvited they will get weaken or even lose their powers.

Can vampires enter an apartment?

An Invitation is a magical weakness of Original vampires, vampires, and vampire-hybrids that prevents vampiric beings from entering personally owned homes. Once invited, the vampire cannot be uninvited unless the ownership of the house changes.

Do originals need daylight rings?

Although the Originals cannot be destroyed by the sun, the sun will burn them before they heal. Without their rings in the public, they would expose themselves as vampires.

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Why do vampire have to be invited in?

Vampires need to be invited in because the lesson being taught by that particular vampire story is “don’t let strangers who might be rapists into your house”. There’s also a religious metaphor about how evil only has power over those who succumb to temptation.