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Do you have to put patent pending on a product?

Do you have to put patent pending on a product?

There is no legal requirement to add the patent pending phrase to your product. The phrase merely serves as a warning to those who would try to steal or copy your idea.

Are patent pending products safe?

You can officially use the patent pending status after you submit an application to the USPTO. The patent pending status provides protection because it discourages people from taking your invention. Once it’s patented, if someone takes any part of your invention, it’s considered infringement.

Can you sell something that is patent pending?

An invention that has received a patent pending status is protected by the USPTO, so you can sell your idea without worry.

When can I claim patent pending?

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You can only use the patent pending notice after your patent application is complete. This includes paying the application fee. It is not a term you can use freely. There is a penalty for saying “patent pending,” if the application has not been submitted yet.

Can someone copy my patent?

As soon as you file a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), your invention is “Patent Pending.” Once your application is submitted, nobody can steal, sell, or use your invention without your permission. If this happens, they are infringing on your patent, assuming it gets issued.

How long does a patent pending last?

1 to 3 years
Patent applications filed in the United States typically have “patent pending” for 1 to 3 years. However, it is not uncommon for some patent applications (e.g. software and electronic applications) to have patent pending status for 3 to 5+ years.

How much is a patent pending?

What Are Patent Pending Costs? The cost to get patent pending status for your invention is around $1,500 without an attorney. If you hire an attorney, you can expect to pay $10,000 or more for a utility patent and $2,000 for a design patent.