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Do you have to travel a lot as a management consultant?

Do you have to travel a lot as a management consultant?

If you go into consulting, you should expect to travel at most firms, but the level of travel will vary by firm and by project. The amount of travel tends to be drive by the firm’s staffing model. For a firm with a more local model, travel could range but on average would be closer to 50\%.

Why does management consulting exist?

The purpose of management consulting is simple: drive business outcomes faster than a company could internally. The best time to hire a consulting firm is when you want to implement a large-scale change management initiative, but lack the know-how to develop and implement the change.

What consulting firms do not travel?

These rankings are determined by firms that require the least amount of travel.

  • ClearView Healthcare Partners.
  • Putnam Associates.
  • Insight Sourcing Group.
  • Health Advances, LLC.
  • Ignyte Group.
  • Jabian Consulting.
  • Eagle Hill Consulting.
  • The Cambridge Group.
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What does a travel consultant earn?

Host Agency Reviews and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found some common ground in regard to the average salary of a travel agent. The BLS currently lists the average travel agent salary in 2019 as $44,690 with a range of $23,360 and $69,420 dividing the lower to upper 10\% of travel agents.

How do you travel as a consultant?

10 Important lessons for travelling consultants

  1. Make Travel Fun Again.
  2. Be Nice to Travel Staff.
  3. Get on the Cloud.
  4. Ask about the dress code.
  5. Keep a travel toiletries bag.
  6. Only bring carry-on luggage.
  7. Get all the rewards.
  8. Negotiate.

What consulting firms travel the most?

  1. #1. ClearView Healthcare Partners. SCORE 9.829. 2020 Ranking #3.
  2. #2. Jabian Consulting. SCORE 9.750.
  3. #3. Health Advances. SCORE 9.676.
  4. #4. Kaiser Associates. SCORE 9.617.
  5. #5. Cornerstone Research. SCORE 9.581.
  6. #6. Blue Matter Consulting. SCORE 9.571.
  7. #7. The Cambridge Group. SCORE 9.567.
  8. #8. OC&C Strategy Consultants. SCORE 9.565.