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Do you hyphenate with non?

Do you hyphenate with non?

Usage notes The prefix non- may be joined to a word by means of a hyphen, which is standard in British usage. In many cases, especially in American usage, non- is joined without a hyphen. Some non- words rarely or never use a hyphen (such as nonentity). By contrast, un- is almost always spelled without a hyphen.

What are the rules for hyphenation?

The Hyphen

  • Use a hyphen at the end of a line to divide a word where there is not enough space for the whole word.
  • Use a hyphen to indicate a word spelled out letter by letter.
  • Use a hyphen to join two or more words to form compound adjectives that precede a noun.
  • Use a hyphen to avoid awkward doubling of vowels.

Where do you always hyphenate a word?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out. This wall is load bearing. It’s impossible to eat this cake because it is rock hard.

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What gets hyphenated?

Rule 1: Use a Hyphen for Two-Word Modifiers Before Nouns When a modifier consists of two words that join together to describe a noun, you need to use a hyphen. The two-word modifier needs to come before the noun.

When should non be hyphenated?

We use an en dash when the prefix goes with an open compound noun: non–United States citizen. And we use a hyphen when the prefix goes with a hyphenated compound: non-English-speaking.

How do you hyphenate non English speaking?

Non and English are both adjectives for speakers. When you have more than one adjective relating to the noun, a hyphen must be placed between each adjective. You do not place a hyphen between the last adjective and the noun; only between the adjectives. Non-English speakers.

How do you hyphenate multiple words?

Generally, hyphenate two or more words when they come before a noun they modify and act as a single idea. This is called a compound adjective. When a compound adjective follows a noun, a hyphen is usually not necessary.

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Is 1 bedroom hyphenated?

Though the one-bedroom apartments are sold out, we still have several two-, three-, and four-bedroom units available. The major exception is when the compound adjective begins with an adverb ending in -ly. In that case, since a misreading is unlikely, the hyphen is unnecessary.

Is hand poured hyphenated?

does hand poured wax need a hyphen? “Hand-poured” then becomes a single word, a morphological compound adjective modifying “wax”. BillJ “Hand-poured” then becomes a single word, a morphological compound adjective modifying “wax”.