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Do you pass a car on the left or right?

Do you pass a car on the left or right?

When it is needed to pass other vehicles, the law requires you to only pass other vehicles on the left (using the left lane). Avoid passing other vehicles using the right lane unless it is absolutely necessary to avoid a traffic hazard and when it is safe.

Why do we pass on the left?

Passing on the Left It is generally safer for drivers to pass other drivers on the left. This is due to the fact that slower drivers expect those on the left to pass them. Knowing that the vehicles in the right lane are going to remain there, drivers in the center lane can focus mainly on the drivers to the left.

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Why do we drive on the left and Europe on the right?

The practice is believed to date back to ancient Rome. Romans steered their carts and chariots with the left hand, to free up the right so they could use weapons to defend against enemy attacks. This carried over into medieval Europe and in 1773, the British government passed measures to make left-hand traffic the law.

What does it mean to overtake vehicles on the left?

(a) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left at a safe distance without interfering with the safe operation of the overtaken vehicle, subject to the limitations and exceptions set forth in this article.

Are you supposed to pass on the right?

Passing on the far right or slow lane is legal, as long as you are not in an exit-only lane before an offramp or crossing over the solid white line onto the shoulder. But it is unwise to move right to get around slower traffic, as drivers ahead often aren’t expecting such a lane change. But if done safely, it is legal.

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Why should you not pass on the right?

The reason is that passing on the right is more dangerous. It congests traffic, especially if other cars are trying to enter or exit the highway on that side. It also forces you to make one or two unnecessary lane changes. Changing lanes is so dangerous that it’s something you want to do as little as possible.

Can you pass a car on the left?

Passing on the Left California law allows a vehicle to ride in a lane the same as a car, and it’s legal for a car to pass another on the left by crossing the centerline and then get back after it safe to do so.

What’s wrong with passing on the right?

Why do British drive on the right side?

by Ellen Castelow. Have you ever wondered why the British drive on the left? There is an historical reason for this; it’s all to do with keeping your sword hand free! Most people are right-handed, so if a stranger passed by on the right of you, your right hand would be free to use your sword if required.