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Does a plea bargain mean guilty?

Does a plea bargain mean guilty?

Typically, the plea bargain means that you will plead “guilty” to that lesser charge, even if you maintain personally that you did not commit the crime. As a practical matter, a no contest plea has the same effect as a guilty plea and you will be charged and sentenced for your crime.

Why would a defendant accept a plea bargain?

Plea bargaining is prevalent for practical reasons. Defendants can avoid the time and cost of defending themselves at trial, the risk of harsher punishment, and the publicity a trial could involve. The prosecution saves the time and expense of a lengthy trial. Both sides are spared the uncertainty of going to trial.

What is a disadvantage of accepting a plea bargain?

A plea bargain is an agreement that occurs between a prosecutor and a defendant. It is a way to have a defendant plead either no contest or guilty to charges that are brought against them without the cost of a trial. The primary disadvantage of plea bargaining is that it can still put innocent people in jail.

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Is plea bargaining fair to the victim?

Plea bargains allow victims to avoid testifying in court, which may be frightening or upsetting, especially for victims of violent crimes. Some victims also appreciate the certainty provided by plea bargains; they need not worry about the emotional trauma of dealing with the acquittal of someone they feel is guilty.

What are the pros and cons of plea bargains?

A successfully negotiated plea bargain will:

  • Clear up the uncertainty in your case.
  • Avoid publicity.
  • Possibly result in fewer (or less serious) offenses on your record.
  • Lessen the judge and prosecutor’s case load.
  • Result in a less socially offensive charge on your record.
  • Possibly get you out of jail.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargains?

However, they must also be aware of the disadvantages.

  • Advantages. Here are a few of the advantages for criminal defendants who accept a plea bargain:
  • Lighter Sentence.
  • Reduced Charge.
  • The Case Is Over.
  • Disadvantages.
  • Avoiding Problems with Prosecution’s Case.
  • No “Not Guilty” Result.
  • Possibility of Coercion.