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Does a SIM card last forever?

Does a SIM card last forever?

The validity of a telephone number In order to start using a local SIM card, you need to activate it first. But a local SIM card does not remain active forever. If a local SIM card is not used for a long time, it is blocked (suspended).

How do you know if the SIM is expired?

How to know if your Prepaid SIM Card expired? The easiest way to check the status of your prepaid sim card is by inserting your SIM to any mobile phones and if your prepaid SIM can still received signals or received a text message, your prepaid sim card should still valid.

How can I check my SIM expiry date?

If you want to check your SIM expiry details you can dial *124# at any time.

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Can I reactivate an expired SIM card?

You have to contact the cellular network that issued the SIM and they will have to reactivate it. In many cases, the network will have to issue you with a new SIM. Also, if there was a phone number associated with the SIM before it was deactivated, then that number may be lost and you may be issued with a new number.

Can I reactivate my SIM card?

Is it possible to reactivate my SIM? Once a SIM card has been deactivated, it’s not possible to reactivate it. Moreover, deactivating the SIM card returns the phone number associated with it to the pool of available phone numbers. It is therefore impossible to keep the phone number associated with a deactivated SIM.

What should I do with my old SIM card?

You can send the card off to an incinerator, incinerate it yourself or use a hammer to thoroughly smash it while turning the stored data to an irretrievable bunch of mush. A cell phone or recycling center might be able to help but personally watching the card being destroyed is the only sure bet for protection.

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How long do I have to activate a SIM card?

The shelf-life of a GSM SIM card is typically 2 years from the manufacture date of the SIM card.

  • Unactivated SIM cards that are past this date are not eligible for activation on the network.
  • An activated GSM SIM card that has been deactivated can be reactivated within 20 days.
  • How long will my sim card stay active for?

    It is usually 6 months after the expiry date of your last recharge that the sim and phone number get deactivated.

    How long is the life of a SIM card?

    What is the lifespan of a SIM card? They quickly become brittle, yellowed, softer, harder, or otherwise change over a short timeframe-usually less than a year for low quality items-5 to 10 years for high quality ones. Then, how long do SIM cards last for? Call credit expiration is a very luring topic for connectivity providers.

    How long before Sim is deactivated?

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    A SIM card is deactivated when it has not been used in the last 6 months. To stop deactivation do any one of the following actions at least once every 6 months: These conditions are present to prevent the deactivation of members SIMs who have very little activity or who are active on the Community without using their SIM card much.