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Does amplitude affect number of photons?

Does amplitude affect number of photons?

When you increase the amplitude of a light wave, you are essentially just sending more photons of the same kind.

What does the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave represent?

In electromagnetic waves, the amplitude is the maximum field strength of the electric and magnetic fields.

How are photons related to electromagnetic waves?

Photons are particles forming the electromagnetic field and they are also waves. Their de Broglie wavelength is the same that the one associated to their wavelength of the electromagnetic field. And the electromagnetic wave propagates at the velocity of light as the photons contained within the electromagnetic field.

What is the relationship between the amplitude of a wave and the amount of energy it produces?

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The energy transported by a wave is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude. So whatever change occurs in the amplitude, the square of that effect impacts the energy. This means that a doubling of the amplitude results in a quadrupling of the energy.

Do photons have an amplitude?

Photons don’t have amplitude. All photons of equal frequency have the same energy. Electromagnetic waves with different amplitudes basically consist of different numbers of photons, which is why their energies can depend on amplitude.

Do photons have amplitude?

If you use photons, you don’t have to worry about amplitudes, energy is calculated using Photon Energy, and this reference gives you the math. But amplitude is more a wave related concept than any application to particles.

Do all electromagnetic waves have the same amplitude?

The amplitude of a wave tells us about the intensity or brightness of the light relative to other light waves of the same wavelength. Both Wave 1 and Wave 2 have the same wavelength but different amplitudes. The wavelength of light is an important property for it is this that determines the nature of the light.

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Is photon the same as electromagnetic wave?

The photon is typically described as an electromagnetic (EM) wave, such as the image below. These are the two components of the wave (longitudinal and transverse). Longitudinal waves constantly flow from particles, causing an electric field even when a particle is not in motion.

What is the relationship between the amplitude of a wave and its frequency?

The higher the amplitude, the higher the energy. To summarise, waves carry energy. The amount of energy they carry is related to their frequency and their amplitude. The higher the frequency, the more energy, and the higher the amplitude, the more energy.

What is amplitude of photon?