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Does anyone still play World of Tanks?

Does anyone still play World of Tanks?

World of Tanks has been around for over a decade, but the free-to-play military MMO is still a favourite among fans. Not only does the game have over 160 million players roaming its battlefields, but it also receives regular updates that keep it feeling as fresh as it did ten years ago.

Is WoT a bad game?

Worst game ever made. It is by far the most unbalance, unfair, and boring game to date. You will frequently be placed into matches against tanks 2 tiers above you making you yourself usesless and adding to the frustration of this poorly developed game.

What is the role of a tank?

tank, any heavily armed and armoured combat vehicle that moves on two endless metal chains called tracks. Tanks are essentially weapons platforms that make the weapons mounted in them more effective by their cross-country mobility and by the protection they provide for their crews.

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What type of game is WoT?

massively multiplayer online game
World of Tanks (WoT) is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian company Wargaming, featuring 20th century (1910s–1970s) era combat vehicles.

How many active players does wot have?

Max XP

Statistics were collected on: 06.12.2021
Total Players: 10 213 781
Clans 0 (0\%)
New players registered this month: 3 635 (0.036\%)
Number of active play per weeks(error about 5\%) 139 111 (1.362\%)

Is World of Tanks safe?

World Of Tanks is a legitimate and safe online game, however, there are some malicious programs that are injecting these World Of Tanks ads on websites you visit without the permission of the publisher in order to generate revenue.

Are tanks useful?

Despite the trend away from using them widely in active combat, tanks remain an important tactical and psychological element of national armouries. They’re big, they’re scary, and when we see a tank we know the battle is getting serious, so expect them to be around for quite a while yet.