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Does Argentina recognize dual citizenship?

Does Argentina recognize dual citizenship?

Argentina has dual citizenship agreements with Italy and Spain. Individuals from other countries are not entitled to dual citizenship and must therefore renounce their original citizenship in order to become naturalized. Children born abroad to Argentine parents do not automatically acquire Argentine citizenship.

Can you get dual citizenship through parents?

One of the easiest ways to acquire dual citizenship is by descent. Many countries let you claim citizenship if your parents, grandparents or — in some cases — great grandparents were born in said country. There are other avenues to dual citizenship too, with some of the most popular being investment and naturalization.

What countries allow dual citizenship based on ancestry?

Countries. Nations that grant citizenship based on a blood ancestry basis, if your parent or grandparent was a citizen, include Ireland, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, Hungary, Greece, and Armenia.

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Does Swedish allow dual citizenship?

Sweden permits dual citizenship. Dual citizenship means that you are a citizen in more than one country. If you become a Swedish citizen, you may retain your foreign citizenship if the other country permits it.

Does Canada have citizenship by descent?

Children born overseas are Canadian citizens by descent if either parent is a citizen by birth or naturalization in Canada. Citizenship by descent is limited to only one generation born outside of the country, other than children or grandchildren of members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Can I get a Swedish passport if my mother is Swedish?

This means that Swedish citizenship is acquired for those born to a Swedish parent. Sweden is a member of the European Union. Accordingly, Swedish citizens can travel and reside freely in any of the countries that are a part of the EU. Sweden permits dual citizenship.

How can I get Swedish citizenship by descent?

A child born after 1 April 2015 acquires Swedish citizenship automatically if:

  1. one of the parents is a Swedish citizen at the time of the child’s birth.
  2. a deceased parent of the child was a Swedish citizen upon their death.
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