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Does density affect resistance?

Does density affect resistance?

No, resistance does not depend on the density of the material. However, it depends inversely on the density of free electrons in the material.

What metal has the highest electrical resistance?

The material that has the highest electrical resistance is silver. After silver copper and gold are the materials that have the highest electrical resistance.

Does density affect electrical resistivity?

There is no relationship between the density of a metal and its electrical resistivity.

Does density affect electrical conductivity?

The result reveals that the electrical conductivity of foam increases with the increase of density. The behaviour can be qualitatively understood by noting that, as the relative density decreases, the average cross-section available for conduction decreases thus the resistivity increases.

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What is the difference between electrical resistance and electrical resistivity?

Resistance is defined as the property of the conductor which opposes the flow of electric current. Resistivity is defined as the resistance offered by the material per unit length for unit cross-section.

What are the factors that affect the resistance in the circuit?

There are four factors affecting resistance which are Temperature, Length of wire, Area of the cross-section of the wire, and nature of the material. When there is current in a conductive material, the free electrons move through the material and occasionally collide with atoms.

What material has lowest electrical resistance?

Silver is the best conductor because it has the least resistance to the flow of electricity.

Do metals have high resistance?

metals generally have a relatively low (though not zero) resistance. In a material such as glass, there is a large energy gap between the valence and conduction band.

How density affects the conductivity of a metal?

An increase in the bulk density will decrease the “heat transfer average distance,” and therefore decrease the thermal conductivity. Counteracting this effect is the increased mass within the same volume, which will increase the solid conduction.

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Does resistance depend on mass?

Resistance doesn’t depend upon mass . Resistance is directly proportional to lengths .. so their Resistance ratio will be 5:3:1 ..

Is there any difference between resistance of wire and resistivity of wire?

The basic difference between resistance and resistivity is that resistance is the opposition to the flow of current in the conductor while resistivity is the resistance of the meter cube of a wire or conductor. The SI unit of resistance is ohm while the SI unit of resistivity is ( ohmmeter ).