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Does Dsssb exam have negative marking?

Does Dsssb exam have negative marking?

Negative Marking will be applicable and deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each wrong MCQ answer. The Board reserves its right to prescribe a minimum cut off mark for any post as per availability of candidates.

What is the age limit for Dsssb TGT?

40 years
The women candidates with age up to 40 years can now apply for DSSSB recruitment post codes 33/21, 36/21, 37/21, 40/21, 49/21, 51/21, 53/21, 55/21, and 57/21….DSSSB Posts & Vacancy for TGT (Female)

Post Code 33/21
Name of Post TGT (Hindi) Female
Number of Vacancies 551
Age Limit 40 years

Can btech apply for TGT Dsssb?

Yes, for sure candidates with B. Tech in Graduation & B. ED degree, CTET PAPER 2 Qualified can apply for TGT Mathematics in DSSSB.

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What is Dsssb TGT syllabus?

The candidates who have applied for the DSSSB TGT examination 2021 have to appear for a written examination as part of their selection process. The syllabus tests the candidate’s general awareness, reasoning ability, numerical ability, knowledge of the language, and knowledge of their concerned subjects.

How to become a dsssb teacher?

The major phase of the recruitment is the DSSSB Teacher selection process that begins with the written exam. The Tier I of the DSSSB Teacher examination will be MCQ based test whereas the Tier II exam will consist of two sections, part I will be objective and part II will be descriptive.

How many questions are there in the dsdsssb test?

DSSSB Test Papers: DSSSB PRT, DSSSB PGT, DSSSB TGT Previous Year Papers. No of Questions in One DSSSB Test: 200. Duration of the Test: 120 Minutes. Start DSSSB Mock Tests! Enroll Now for Online SSC, BANK & DSSSB Coaching. Get 15 Days Free Trial. Download App Now!

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How to become a post graduate teacher in Delhi government schools?

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board are inviting candidates to fill the online applications for Post Graduate level or Trained graduate level teachers in the Government Schools of Delhi. Below you can refer all the exam and syllabus to become aware for the type of questions asked in the exam.