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Does Ebay sell Confederate flags?

Does Ebay sell Confederate flags?

We have decided to prohibit Confederate flags, and many items containing this image, because we believe it has become a contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism. …

Was the Civil War about taxes?

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: “Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually …

Could the civil war have been prevented?

The only compromise that could have headed off war by then was for the Southern states to forgo secession and agree to abolition. Once the Confederate states seceded and troops fired on Fort Sumter, the only solution possible was complete Southern surrender.

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What state has a Confederate flag?

Mississippi and Georgia seem to be the only states which incorporate the Confederate flag in their state flags. It is a major element in the flag of Mississippi. The flag of Georgia was redesigned in 2001 and the Confederate flag is not as prominent as it previously was.

What are facts about Confederate flag?

Interesting Confederate Flag Facts: The seven stars in the first Confederate flag represented the seven states that made up the Confederacy at the time. The first seven states of the Confederacy in order of first to join were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.

Is the Confederate flag the same as the rebel flag?

What’s usually referred to as the rebel flag is the Confederate battle flag (the popular one is actually pictured here as the Navy Jack). Dixie is a region that predates The Civil War, so in reality, it has no flag.

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What does the rebel flag symbolize?

Quick Answer. The Rebel Flag, commonly referred to as The Confederate Flag, is mainly recognized as a symbol of the South and was formerly used to represent resistance to Northern political dominance. The significance of the flag remains controversial, because of disagreements over the nature of its depiction and what it represents.