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Does Germany have a lot of alcoholics?

Does Germany have a lot of alcoholics?

Alcoholism is a significant problem in Germany, according to Peter Lang, head of drug prevention and abuse at the German Center for Health Education. Most recent data shows that that 1.7 million Germans are dependent on alcohol and need treatment, whilst, 2.7 million use alcohol in a harmful way.

What is the alcohol addiction rate in Germany?

The estimated prevalence of alcohol dependence (ICD-10 F10. 2: mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol: dependence syndrome) is 14.6 million adults in Europe [4]. In Germany, 1.8 million (3.4\%) of people at the age of 18–64 years are alcohol dependent (4.8\% men, 2.0\% women) [5].

Do Germans drink the most?

Drinking more than most According to the World Health Organization, Germany ranked fourth in the world in pure alcohol consumption per capita, behind only Moldova, Lithuania and the Czech Republic. Dr.

How much do Germans drink a year?

List of countries by beer consumption per capita

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Country Consumption per capita (litres per year) Year
Germany * 99.0 2019
Poland * 97.7 2019
Namibia 95.5 2019
Ireland 92.9 2019

Do Germans or Americans drink more?

Despite the decrease, Huhnholz notes that Germany is still among the top three beer-drinking countries in Europe. The 28 gallons of beer per capita Germans consume every year far exceeds what Americans drink — 21 gallons per capita.

Why do the Netherlands drink so much coffee?

A drank (beverage) that is lekker warm (nice and warm) helps fight that cold – while also keeping you awake. Koffie became widespread in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s, and the Dutch managed to take a big chunk of the international koffiehandel (coffee trade). And so, the drink also became popular in the Netherlands.