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Does Joomla support Python?

Does Joomla support Python?

Joomla employs PHP which is also used by bigger platforms such as WordPress. It’s the most popular programming language and this familiarity is why many developers choose Joomla. Instead, it runs with Python, which is the world’s fastest-growing programming language.

Can Python be combined with PHP?

Yes it will work, and how risky it is depends on how good your implementation is. This is perfectly acceptable if done correctly. I have successfully integrated PHP and C, when PHP was simply too slow to do certain niche tasks in real time (IIRC, PHP is 7 times slower than its C counterpart).

What programming language is used in Joomla?

Joomla/Programming languages
Joomla is written in PHP, uses object-oriented programming techniques and software design patterns, and stores data in a MySQL database. It has a software dependency on the Symfony PHP framework. Joomla includes features such as page caching, RSS feeds, blogs, search, and support for language internationalisation.

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How much faster is PHP than Python?

Python is fast. PHP is 3 times faster. Django, Flask, Pylons, Pyramid. Codeigniter, Zend, Laravel, Symfony.

Which language is best PHP or Python?

Python vs PHP

Parameter Python
Learning Python is better than PHP in long term project.
Framework Compare to PHP Python has lower number of Frameworks. Popular ones are DJango, Flask.
Syntax Syntax is easy to remember almost similar to human language.
Key Features Less line no of code, Rapid deployment and dynamic typing.

Is Joomla based on PHP?

The Joomla! Framework™ is a new PHP framework (a collection of software libraries/packages) for writing web and command line applications in PHP, without the features and corresponding overhead found in the Joomla! Content Management System (CMS).