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Does Manhattan have more women than men?

Does Manhattan have more women than men?

Manhattan and The Bronx are tied for highest female-to-male ratios with 53.1 per cent of residents being women.

What percentage of New Yorkers are women?


Persons under 5 years, percent  6.5\%
Persons under 18 years, percent  20.8\%
Persons 65 years and over, percent  14.5\%
Female persons, percent  52.3\%

Where is the highest female to male ratio?

Countries Where Women Outnumber Men

Rank Country Female pop. (\% of total pop.)
1 Nepal 54.4
2 Latvia 54.0
3 Lithuania 53.7
4 Ukraine 53.7

Does New York have more men or women?

There are more women than men in New York. The total population of New York is estimated at 19,746,227 people with 9,581,261 male and 10,164,966 female. There are 583,705 more women than men in the state, which is 2.96\% of the total population. The New York Gender Ratio is 94 men to 100 women (94:100) or 0.94.

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Are there more single men or women in NYC?

Ratio of Single Men to Single Women in NYC New York City’s population is 53\% female and 47\% male. This is a widely cited statistic that often supports an argument that the gender imbalance makes it more difficult for some women to find a partner. In this subgroup, men outnumber women—742,400 to 729,500.

What state has the most single females?

Main Findings

Overall Rank State Dating Opportunities
1 Florida 1
2 Texas 5
3 Pennsylvania 8
4 Wisconsin 4

Is it hard to date as a woman in NYC?

How tough is it to date here? 61.3 percent of women consider dating in NYC a challenge, compared to 50.8 percent of men. 35.2 percent of men find it easy, where as 19.3 percent of women do. On a scale from one to ten (ten being a dating paradise), women give New York City a 5.9, where as men give it a 6.9.