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Does Mass Effect 1 Affect Mass Effect 2?

Does Mass Effect 1 Affect Mass Effect 2?

As many know, the save files between each Mass Effect game carry over, if the player chooses to do this at the start of each game. This means all background traits, choices, deaths, and consequences in Mass Effect 1 will roll over to Mass Effect 2.

Is Mass Effect 2 or 3 longer?

BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk have confirmed that Mass Effect 3 is longer than Mass Effect 2. “It’s longer than Mass Effect 2,” Muzyka told IGN when asked how long it had taken him to finish the game.

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Is Mass Effect a horror game?

Mass Effect has always been a mesh of genres. There is an innate horror to Mass Effect 2 on the surface, but the game never quite wants to make it the focus. The Collectors are body snatchers, and that makes them innately horrific, but the story never tries to make them horror characters.

What happens if you play Mass Effect 2 without playing 1?

Yes – You can understand the story of Mass effect 2 even if you skip playing the first part in the series. You will stumble initially but you will come around if you don’t take the storyline very seriously. Over 75+ hours of awesome gameplay awaits you.

What should I know before playing Mass Effect 2?

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: 10 Early Game Tips For Those Starting Mass Effect 2

  1. 1 Import Your Character.
  2. 2 Investment Pays Off.
  3. 3 There’s No Wrong Choice (Well, Maybe There Is)
  4. 4 Embrace New Characters.
  5. 5 Best Balance In Series.
  6. 6 Talk, Talk, Talk.
  7. 7 Same Class Or New Experience.
  8. 8 Are You Paragon Or Renegade?
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Can you romance James in Mass Effect 3?

James Vega, the highly opinionated beefcake can be romanced by female Shepards in Mass Effect 3. While nothing more than a small fling, players will need to work for this romance. More so than simpler options like romancing Diana and Javik.

How long does it take to 100\% Mass Effect 1?

Completing the first Mass Effect game can take anywhere from 18 to 30 hours, approximately, depending on if players just finish the main story or complete side quests as well. For those who really like a challenge, a completionist playthrough can take up to 50 hours, depending on how fast or slow players are.

Is Mass Effect 3 the best?

Mass Effect 3 still has the best combat, even in the Legendary Edition. Beating the Reapers never felt so satisfying as it did at the trilogy’s end. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been out long enough that I presume everyone’s had the chance to get as far as the third game in the trilogy.

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How many races are there in Mass Effect?

Mass Effect features many alien species and cultures from the Milky Way galaxy. Here’s a rundown of the nine alien races that live on the Citadel. Veterans and newcomers alike will return to all corners of the Milky Way Galaxy when Mass Effect: Legendary Edition releases in May.

How old is Shepard in Mass Effect?

29 years old
“Shepard was born on April 11, 2154,” quoted from the resident article on Commander Shepard. The series begins in 2183, so Shepard 28/29 years old.

What happens if I start with Mass Effect 2?