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Does my turtle have shell rot?

Does my turtle have shell rot?

The symptoms of shell rot in pet turtles tend to be more subtle. You might see a reddish fluid under the shell plates, a slimy layer on the shell or softening, lifting, or flaking plates. The shell might be easily damaged and emit a foul-smelling odor as well.

What do you do if your turtle has shell rot?

Antibiotic cover is essentially in severe shell rot cases or if the shell has been fractured. Topical antibiotics such as silver sulfazadine cream applied daily can be enough for many cases. If they need systemic treatment as well I generally use ceftazadine injection.

What color is shell rot?

One of the first indicators of shell rot is the color changes mentioned above, including white, green, and a mold-like appearance. These spots can show up anywhere on the turtle’s shell, including the top as well as the bottom. In any sense, they’re equally as dangerous to the turtle’s well-being.

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Should I clean my turtle’s shell?

If you’ve never owned a turtle, you may not realize that cleaning them regularly is necessary for their good health. Even turtles that spend a lot of time in water need their shells cleaned off to prevent algae buildup.

What would a turtle look like without shell?

Basically, to answer the original question, a turtle without its shell would look red, wet, and exceedingly dead.

Can I clean my turtles shell?

Get a bowl, and fill it with a few cups of distilled water. Empty a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into the bowl and mix it with an old, soft-bristled toothbrush. After your turtle is completely dry, take the toothbrush, dip it into the mixture and lightly brush your turtle’s shell.

Why is my turtle shell turning black?

Your turtle may have rot or the discoloration may be due to excess mold or algae. Clean the tank, do a water change and change the filter media. Confirm proper environmental conditions for your particular species of turtle. Try using a toothbrush and gently scrubbing the affected area of the shell.

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Do turtles like to be brushed?

Turns out, even if a turtle doesn’t need cleaning, they seem to enjoy the feeling of bristles on their shells. In fact, that’s one recommended way of petting them.