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Does New Jersey have bad drivers?

Does New Jersey have bad drivers?

According to the new list, New Jersey has the eighth-worst drivers in the nation. “New Jersey, you’ve got to slow down. You get so many speeding tickets,” said senior research analyst Nick VinZant.

Is it hard to drive in NJ?

Driving in New Jersey is tough. The Garden State has some of the most aggressive drivers anywhere in the country. Whether you grew up in New Jersey or are visiting from out of state, there are some basic rules of the road that everyone needs to adhere to so we can keep it moving and get to our destination.

At what age can you drive in New Jersey?

Driving Age by State

State Learner’s Permit Restricted License
New Jersey 16 17
New Mexico 15 15, 6 mos.
New York 16 16, 6 mos.
North Carolina 15 16
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Can I drive with my left foot in NJ?

Perfectly Legal No states directly assert that a person cannot drive with his left foot. A directive that requires only right-foot driving would prevent many amputees from driving at all.

What states are the worst at driving?

States that are considered the worst had the highest numbers of driving incidents, while states with the lowest numbers of incidents are considered the best….Those factors include:

Worst Driving Rank State
1 Iowa
2 North Dakota
3 Virginia
4 California

What state has the safest drivers 2021?

States with the Best Drivers

  • Arkansas. Share of drivers with a clean record: 82.33\%
  • Florida. Share of drivers with a clean record: 82.50\%
  • West Virginia. Share of drivers with a clean record: 82.62\%
  • Louisiana. Share of drivers with a clean record: 82.67\%
  • Kentucky.
  • New Jersey.
  • Mississippi.
  • Nevada.