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Does New Zealand import a lot?

Does New Zealand import a lot?

New Zealand imports mainly vehicles (13 percent), nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances (13 percent), fuels (10 percent), electrical machinery and equipment (8 percent), plastics (4 percent) and aircraft, spacecraft (4 percent).

What does New Zealand need to import?

Mechanical machinery and equipment New Zealand’s main machine and equipment imports include vehicles, mechanical appliances, nuclear reactors, boilers, electrical equipment and aircraft and components. In fact, vehicle and mechanical machinery imports make up New Zealand’s two highest importation expenses.

Does New Zealand import more than export?

New Zealand is currently our 47th largest goods trading partner with $7.4 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2020. Goods exports totaled $3.2 billion; goods imports totaled $4.2 billion.

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Does New Zealand import most of its food?

New Zealand imports processed and unprocessed food products like meat and dairy products, grains and seeds, and wine and beverages. MPI protects New Zealand consumers by setting minimum regulatory requirements for the safety of food entering New Zealand.

What is NZ biggest import?

Top 10

  • Machinery including computers: US$5.3 billion (14.3\% of total imports)
  • Vehicles: $4.2 billion (11.3\%)
  • Electrical machinery, equipment: $3.5 billion (9.4\%)
  • Mineral fuels including oil: $3.1 billion (8.4\%)
  • Plastics, plastic articles: $1.5 billion (3.9\%)
  • Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $1.3 billion (3.6\%)

What is New Zealand’s biggest import?

Imports The top imports of New Zealand are Cars ($2.94B), Crude Petroleum ($2.32B), Refined Petroleum ($1.67B), Delivery Trucks ($1.16B), and Gas Turbines ($1.01B), importing mostly from China ($7.35B), Australia ($5.81B), United States ($3.65B), Japan ($2.42B), and Germany ($2B).

Where does NZ import from?

In 2019, New Zealand major trading partner countries for exports were China, Australia, United States, Japan and Korea, Rep. and for imports they were China, Australia, United States, Japan and Germany.

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What countries does NZ import from?

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New Zealand Imports By Country Value Year
United States $3.59B 2020
Japan $2.11B 2020
South Korea $1.80B 2020
Germany $1.76B 2020

Does New Zealand produce enough food to feed itself?

New Zealand produces enough food to feed 40 million people, exporting much of it, including $16 billion of dairy, $3.7b of beef and $3.9b of sheep meat a year.

What is New Zealands main export?

The foundation of New Zealand’s economy is exporting agricultural commodities such as dairy products, meat, forest products, fruit and vegetables, and wine. Dairy is the lead export commodity. Tourism is New Zealand’s largest export industry in terms of foreign exchange earnings. It employs one in seven New Zealanders.

What is New Zealand’s biggest imports?

Imports The top imports of New Zealand are Cars ($2.94B), Crude Petroleum ($2.32B), Refined Petroleum ($1.67B), Delivery Trucks ($1.16B), and Gas Turbines ($1.01B), importing mostly from China ($7.35B), Australia ($5.81B), United States ($3.65B), Japan ($2.42B), and Germany ($2B).

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What does New Zealand import from USA?

New Zealand Imports from United States Value Year
Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers $873.65M 2020
Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus $368.34M 2020
Vehicles other than railway, tramway $279.83M 2020
Electrical, electronic equipment $201.95M 2020