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Does Nigeria have a national mental health plan?

Does Nigeria have a national mental health plan?

In 1991, the Federal Government of Nigeria adopted a health policy which placed provision of mental health services at the Primary Health Care level. This policy updates that policy, and reaffirms this commitment to provision of quality services that are accessible to most people in the country.

How common is mental illness in Nigeria?

One in four Nigerians – some 50 million people – are suffering from some sort of mental illness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Today – World Mental Health Day – finds the country nowhere near equipped to tackle the problem. There are only eight federal neuropsychiatric hospitals in Nigeria.

How do I become a psychiatrist in Nigeria?

They first do a medical degree at university. Next they spend at least one or two years training as a general doctor. They then complete at least five years training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Psychologists have at least six years of university training and supervised experience.

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What is the most common mental illness in Nigeria?

Depression is the most common illness that affects mental health. In a global survey, Nigeria ranked 15 in the number of suicides per year.

What are the causes of mental illness in Nigeria?

Types of Mental Illness among Yoruba tribe of Nigeria

1. Were EPE Psychotic illness attributed to curses
5. Dindinrin, A lore Mental subnormality
6. Were afise nipa gbigbe ogun fun je Psychotic illnesses resulting from poison
7. Were igbo mimu Psychotic illnesses resulting from smoking Indian hemp

What should I do if my parents won’t take me to a therapist?

If your parents aren’t supportive to the point where it prevents you from seeking help, find a trusted adult — whether it’s a teacher, doctor, friend, relative — to advocate on your behalf. “It’s medically necessary to have access to mental health services when needed,” Kazez mentioned.

How many psychiatrists are in Nigeria?

250 psychiatrists
Nigeria has an estimated population of >200 million people, with about 250 psychiatrists currently practicing in the West African country, according to the Association of Psychiatrists in Nigeria.

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How long is psychiatry in Nigeria?

Soon after its inauguration, the West African Postgraduate Medical College was complemented by the National Postgraduate Medical College, which was established by a Nigerian government decree in 1979. The Faculties of Psychiatry of both Colleges run broadly similar courses of training that span a minimum of 4 years.

Which university can I study psychiatry?

Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Psychiatry in…

  • Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso.
  • Delta State University, Delta.
  • University of Uyo, Uyo.
  • University of Jos, Jos.
  • Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti.
  • Osun State University, Osogbo.
  • Benue State University, Makurdi.
  • Bayero University, Kano.

How many people have schizophrenia in Nigeria?

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with an estimated population of 186 million people. [15] Given the prevalence rate of 0.4\%, the Nigerian population estimated to be living with schizophrenia is about 1.86 million people and the national cost of schizophrenia estimated as $609 million.

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