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Does PCF use containers?

Does PCF use containers?

Cloud Foundry takes a very opinionated approach to containers. It uses a container solution called garden. The original container in earlier versions of PCF was called warden, which actually predates docker itself.

Does PCF use Docker?

The service now supports Docker images, just like PCF has for years.

Can Kubernetes run on PCF?

Kubernetes is built to support any workload, so that means we can deploy Cloud Foundry also on Kubernetes!

How do I push apps into Cloud Foundry?

To push an app with default settings, do the following:

  1. Choose a name for the app. The app name must consist of alphanumeric characters. The app name must be unique to your Cloud Foundry installation.
  2. Run the following command: cf push APP-NAME. Where APP-NAME is the name of the app.
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What is route in Cloud Foundry?

The Cloud Foundry Gorouter routes requests to apps by associating an app with an address, known as a route. This is known as a mapping. Use the cf CLI cf map-route command to associate an app and route. Developers can also map an individual app to multiple routes, enabling access to the app from many URLs.

What is the difference between Docker and Cloud Foundry?

Docker uses Linux as operating system and leverages concepts like Linux namespaces to run multiple applications in sandboxes. Containers are more portable since all you need are Linux Docker environments while for Cloud Foundry packaged applications you have more prerequisites, the Cloud Foundry runtimes and services.

How do I set environment variables in Cloud Foundry?

  1. NAME. set-env – Set an env variable for an app.
  3. ALIAS. se.
  4. SEE ALSO. apps, env, restart, set-running-environment-variable-group, set-staging-environment-variable-group, unset-env.