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Does PEG tube prolong life in dementia?

Does PEG tube prolong life in dementia?

Conclusion. There is presently no evidence to suggest long-term survival rates improved in patients with advanced dementia who underwent PEG placement for dysphagia. Relevance to quality of life, need for nutrition and hydration, and ethical considerations in the decision process are discussed.

When should you hold a feeding tube?

If using a PEG tube, measure residual every 4 hours (if residual is more than 200 ml or other specifically ordered amount, hold for one hour and recheck; if it still remains high, notify doctor). If using a PEG tube, reinstall residual. Hang tube feeding (no more than 8 hours’ worth if in bag set up).

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How do you feed an elderly person who can’t swallow?

Avoid feeding them breads with raisins, nuts or seeds, along with hard, dry crackers or cereals. If they can tolerate thin liquids, first moisten the cereal, bread or crackers with milk or another liquid. Rice or pastas that are well-cooked are also good choices for those with a swallowing impairment.

What happens when a dementia patient stops eating?

A person with dementia may lose interest in food. They may refuse to eat it or may spit it out. The person may become angry or agitated, or behave in a challenging way during mealtimes. If a person isn’t eating enough, it can lead to weight loss and less muscle strength.

How long can a dementia patient live without eating or drinking?

When someone is no longer taking in any fluid, and if he or she is bedridden (and so needs little fluid) then this person may live as little as a few days or as long as a couple of weeks. In the normal dying process people lose their sense of hunger or thirst.

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How long do you live after feeding tube removed?

If they are not taking in any fluids, they will usually die within several days of a feeding tube removal, though they may survive for as long as a week or two. When someone is unconscious or not of sound mind, doctors and family members decide when life support measures should stop.

Do intravenous feeding tubes help dementia patients stop weight loss?

At one time, the use of intravenous feeding tubes was thought to be beneficial in aiding patients with advanced dementia to stop weight loss, which typically occurs during in later stages of the illness due to loss of appetite or inability to take food orally anymore.

Is tube feeding the last thing you can do for a patient?

Many people hold the mistaken notion that tube feeding and hydration is the “last thing” that can be done for the patient, says Cheryl Moxley, RD, LD, clinical nutrition specialist at the Washington (DC) Hospital Center. Never allow medical technology to become a substitute for comfort care, Zerwekh says.

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Are dementia patients being kept alive with spoon-feeding?

The new forms follow two recent high-profile cases in which family members said dementia patients were kept alive with spoon-feeding by caregivers, despite written requests to stop. Margot Bentley, 85, of British Columbia, died last year. She was a retired nurse who had cared for dementia patients before being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1999.

What are the risks of feeding tubes in severely demented patients?

High complication rates, increased use of restraints, and other adverse effects further increase the burden of feeding tubes in severely demented patients. Feeding tubes should be avoided in many situations in which they are currently used.