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Does removing the thymus cure myasthenia gravis?

Does removing the thymus cure myasthenia gravis?

Due to the risk of malignancy, thymoma removal is always recommended. But even in those without a tumor, surgical removal of the thymus gland, or thymectomy, greatly improves the condition in 70\% of cases and in some cases the myasthenia gravis goes into remission.

How do surgery help patient with myasthenia gravis?

In a global study of myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness and fatigue, researchers found that surgical removal of an organ called the thymus reduced patients’ weakness, and their need for immunosuppressive drugs.

What does the thymus gland have to do with myasthenia gravis?

The thymus gland, a part of your immune system situated in the upper chest beneath the breastbone, may trigger or maintain the production of antibodies that result in the muscle weakness.

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What is the role of thymectomy in non Thymomatous MG Pt?

In 2016 the American Academy of Neurology [13] published “International consensus guidance for management of myasthenia gravis”: “In non-thymomatous MG, thymectomy is performed as an option to potentially avoid or minimize the dose or duration of immunotherapy or if patients fail to respond to an initial trial of …

When is thymectomy needed in myasthenia gravis?

Thymectomy generally is not used for treating patients with myasthenia gravis that affects only their eyes. Thymectomy appears to be most effective when it is performed six to 12 months after the onset of symptoms.

How is thymectomy performed?

Transcervical thymectomy: In this procedure the incision is made across the lower part of the neck, just above the breastbone (sternum). The doctor removes the thymus through this incision without dividing the sternum.

When is Thymectomy needed in myasthenia gravis?

When do you need a thymectomy in MG?

Thymectomy is generally recommended by most centers for patients between puberty and 60 years of age as a long-term treatment of AChR antibody-associated MG [11, 12].

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What should I expect after a thymectomy?

Because there is no long incision and the chest does not have to be opened, patients experience: A shorter hospital stay – usually going home the day after surgery. Less pain – typically requiring only mild pain medications. A quick recovery – taking about two weeks to get back to work.

How is Thymectomy performed?