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Does smoking affect PRK eye surgery?

Does smoking affect PRK eye surgery?

Ideally, patients should give up smoking for at least several weeks before LASIK and another four to six weeks after their laser eye surgery. By refraining from smoking during this time, patients can ensure that the body is in optimal condition for LASIK surgery and the recovery that follows.

What if I get smoke in my eyes after LASIK?

Smoke can weaken the immune system and prevent the corneal flaps from healing properly. Cause dry eye: Dry eye is already a common side effect of LASIK, though it generally heals within days of the surgery. Smoking can cause dry eye to become worse and even permanent after LASIK surgery.

What can you not do after PRK eye surgery?

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Avoid strenuous activities or contact sports, such as boxing or football, for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. If you return to playing contact sports, consider wearing goggles or other eye protection. For 1 to 2 weeks, avoid swimming, hot tubs, gardening, and dusting.

Can a smoker get LASIK?

To minimize these risks and ensure that eye health and LASIK results are not compromised, it is recommended that a person quits smoking at least three weeks before having LASIK and continue to abstain for at least two weeks after surgery.

Is it OK to smoke before eye surgery?

Before you undergo LASIK, it’s important that you avoid cigars, cigarettes, and other tobacco products. This will help put your body in the best condition to recover quickly. Keep in mind that this is a common pre-op instruction given to all patients.

Can I smoke after eye laser surgery?

If you have decided to get LASIK, you should stop smoking a few weeks before surgery. For the best results, continue not smoking for four to six weeks after LASIK. Patients who stop smoking during this time are allowing their eyes to be at their healthiest.

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Can we smoke after laser treatment?

Apart from the risk of infection, smoking can exacerbate post-surgical side effects. Your eyes will be particularly sensitive after LASIK, and the smoke from cigars and cigarettes can be extremely irritating.

Can you drink after PRK?

However, drinking alcohol after LASIK or any other form of laser vision correction is likely to increase your chances of experiencing side-effects. To keep the risks to a minimum, we advise patients avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours following surgery, sometimes a few days more.