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Does sunscreen change your skin color?

Does sunscreen change your skin color?

Sunscreen deactivates UV radiation and therefore protects the skin from its damage. As a result of reduced production of melanin – the darkening pigment, the skin tone becomes lighter over time.

Why do I get so dark in the summer?

When your skin senses UV rays from the sun, it produces melanin to protect itself, and this causes your skin to get darker. The only way to prevent your skin from getting darker in the sun is to protect it from the ultraviolet rays that cause tanning, cancer, premature aging, and wrinkles.

Why my skin gets dark after applying sunscreen?

Sunscreen will cause hyperpigmentation if it has any one of these effects. If the sunscreen you wear stresses your skin (some chemical sunscreens can do this), it may cause skin darkening. Secondly, if you use sunscreen that has hormonally-active ingredients (like oxybenzone), it can cause hormonal skin darkening.

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Does sunscreen make your skin lighter or darker?

That said, sunscreen could lead to lighter skin since the sun is the primary source of darkening our skin. So if you use sunscreen, less UV will get to your skin, which could mean lighter skin. Of course, if using sunscreen leads you stay out in the sun longer than you normally would, then you may get the tan anyway.

Why does my skin get darker in the Sun?

When your skin senses UV rays from the sun, it produces melanin to protect itself, and this causes your skin to get darker. But skin darkening is also a sign of damage to the skin. The only way to prevent your skin from getting darker in the sun is to protect it from the ultraviolet rays that cause tanning, cancer, premature aging, and wrinkles.

What happens if you don’t apply sunscreen early enough?

If not applied early enough, your skin may still darken and tan before the sunscreen takes full effect 1. Wear a wide-brimmed hat when you are out in the sun to further protect against darkening skin or other skin damaged caused by the sun’s UV rays. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating heavily.

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Does sunscreen prevent you from tanning?

No, sunscreen shields your skin from UV beams. The main contributing component to sunscreen and individuals tanning is that when individuals wear sunscreen, they regularly don’t hesitate to stay out in the sun for more time frames.