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Does tag really guaranteed admission?

Does tag really guaranteed admission?

Yes, the TAG is really a guarantee so long as all requirements are met. You must submit a TAG application to UCSB in September and a UC application to UCSB in November. Your TAG/admission decision will be released in mid to late April.

Which UC does not participate in tag?

Six UC campuses participate in the UC TAG – Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz. The campuses at Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego do not participate in TAG. Students may apply for a TAG to one UC campus per academic year.

Does tag guarantee admission Reddit?

The TAG is merely a promise to whatever UC you indicate that you’ll complete the required classes and stay above a certain GPA. If you meet all the requirements, it is literally a guaranteed admission to 6 out of all the 9 UC’s (assuming you take all the needed classes/don’t dip below a 3.2 I think).

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Can you get rejected from tag Reddit?

If you have the required GPA AND all courses done the spring before you transfer, you will NOT get denied from TAG. IGETC does not need to be completed, but the golden 4 need to be as well as your major course requirements.

Is UC tag binding?

Is TAG binding? No. TAG is a guarantee but it is not binding.

Does UCI have tag?

UCI’s Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program guarantees admission to highly qualified students from all California Community Colleges. Admission to most majors at UCI can be guaranteed through TAG for transfer students who meet the eligibility requirements and complete the online TAG application.

How many UC schools can you tag?

You can only submit a TAG application to one of the six participating UC campuses. However, you can apply for general admission to as many UC campuses as you wish.

Can UC tag be rejected?

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Possible reasons for rejection might include: getting a D or F in any subsequent term; falling below the minimum cumulative GPA requirement for the specific TAG; not fulfilling major requirements; under 60 semester/90 qtr units by final spring term. (At the end of this page are links to each UC TAG contract.

How many times can you tag UC?

You can only submit a TAG application to one of the six participating UC campuses. However, you can apply for general admission to as many UC campuses as you wish.