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Does the New York Times accept photo submissions?

Does the New York Times accept photo submissions?

For example, you must not submit to us any photos, drawings or any recordings of any type unless you are the copyright owner or have the relevant consent of the copyright owner. Your Content is truthful and not misleading. It relates to your own genuine personal experiences and/or is based upon your own knowledge.

How do I submit a picture to the New York Times?

Submit your Instagram photo with the hashtag #ThroughFreshEyes. Selected images may be published at nytimes.com/opinion. Be creative. We’re looking for photos you took yourself.

WHAT IS lens Nytimes?

Lens is the photojournalism blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting — photographs, videos and slide shows.

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How do you write a New York Times essay?

To send a letter, e-mail [email protected]. To reach the Times editorial board, e-mail [email protected]. To reach Op-Docs, e-mail [email protected]. To contact The Times about a factual error in an Opinion article or editorial, e-mail [email protected].

How do I email an article from The New York Times?

To obtain permission, send us the overall URL of your site, as well as the URL of the exact page on which the logo will be displayed. In the subject line of the email, write “Use of logo.” Send this information to [email protected].

How do I submit an essay to The New York Times?

How much do New York Times photographers make?

The New York Times Photographers earn $34,000 annually, or $16 per hour, which is 34\% higher than the national average for all Photographers at $24,000 annually and 64\% lower than the national salary average for ​all working Americans.

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What is a contact lens assessment?

A contact lens assessment is the name given to the procedure in which you undergo an eye test followed by a contact lens fitting. It may sound daunting but it is a straightforward process which ensures that you are fitted with lenses which are suitable for you.
