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Does zero order reaction must be a complex reaction?

Does zero order reaction must be a complex reaction?

Zero order reactions are complex reactions.

Why is a zero order reaction always complex?

Bimolecular reactions such as atom/molecule & molecule/molecule reactions are very common and strictly involve only two species. So in this sense zero-order reactions have to have a more complex nature, such as involving an enzyme as in alcohol decomposition.

Is zero order reaction a multistep reaction?

(4) A zero order reaction is a multistep reaction Zero order reaction is multiple step reaction.

Can a zero order reaction be an elementary reaction?

A zero order reaction is always an elementary reaction.

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How do you know if a reaction is zero order?

Zero-order reactions are typically found when a material that is required for the reaction to proceed, such as a surface or a catalyst, is saturated by the reactants. A reaction is zero-order if concentration data is plotted versus time and the result is a straight line.

Do zero order reactions depend on concentration?

In a zeroth-order reaction, the reaction rate does not depend on the reactant concentration.

What is meant by zero order reaction?

Definition of zero-order reaction : a chemical reaction in which the rate of reaction is constant and independent of the concentration of the reacting substances — compare order of a reaction.

What are the characteristics of zero order reaction?

Characteristics of Zero Order Reaction

  • The concentration of reactant decreases linearly with time.[ A]t = [A]0 – kt.
  • The time required for the reaction to be complete, i.e., time at which [A] is zero. tcompletion = [A]0/k = (Initial concentration)/(Rate constant)
  • The units of k are mol L-1 time-1.
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Is it true that a zero order reaction?

Zero-order reaction is a chemical reaction wherein the rate does not vary with the increase or decrease in the concentration of the reactants.

What is zeroth order reaction?

What does it mean to be a zero order reaction?