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Has Perl replaced Python?

Has Perl replaced Python?

Python was never intended to replace Perl. Perl was designed to extract stuff from text files. Python was designed as a scripting language for system programming.

What language does Pygame use?

Python programming language
The pygame library is an open-source module for the Python programming language specifically intended to help you make games and other multimedia applications. Built on top of the highly portable SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) development library, pygame can run across many platforms and operating systems.

What is Perl most similar to?

PHP, Ruby, C, Java, and Python are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Perl.

Is Perl still popular?

According to the RedMonk Programming Language ranking for the first quarter of 2019, Perl ranked number 18 out of 20. Perl is still the go-to programming language for many and will most likely not be fully replaced by Python. The two are very different, despite a few similarities and overlapping uses.

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Is Pygame obsolete?

Pygame version 2 was planned as “Pygame Reloaded” in 2009, but development and maintenance of Pygame completely stopped until the end of 2016 with version 1.9. Pygame 2.0 released on 28 October 2020, on Pygame’s 20th birthday.

What replaced Perl?

In bioinformatics, where Perl’s position as the most popular scripting language powered many 1990s breakthroughs like genetic sequencing, Perl has been supplanted by Python and the statistical language R (a variant of S-plus and descendent of S, also developed in the 1980s).

Is Perl used anymore?

Perl is still very much a viable choice for modern programming. CPAN (a massive repository of Perl libraries and modules) is alive and well, and the majority of useful modules continue to be maintained. Books like Modern Perl give the style to keep Perl modern without falling victim to the mistakes of the past.