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How accurate does birth time have to be astrology?

How accurate does birth time have to be astrology?

The birth time is not only used to find out the positions of the planets but also your Ascendant (Rising Sign). An inaccurate birth time will produce erroneous reading in astrology. Therefore have your birth certificate before getting your natal chart made. Sometime the time in birth certificate is also not accurate.

How important is time of birth in astrology?

Birth time is important for one main reason. The exact time of your birth determines your ascendant, or rising, sign — the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth (via Mind Body Green).

Can you find out what time you were born?

Ask the hospital for records. As a last resort, you can try checking the records department of the hospital in which you were born. Contact the hospital through phone, email, or an in-person visit, and ask to see any records which may have the time of your birth recorded.

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How accurate is a birth chart without a birth date?

Without your time of birth, it is impossible to know the precise positions of the planets – and because some planets move more quickly than others, casting a chart based on a birth time that is even an hour off can greatly affect the outcome of the chart, rendering many of the results inaccurate. What information actually changes?

How can I find out what time I was born?

There could be a record of your birth time recorded somewhere within memorabilia. If you don’t have a way to contact family or friends who were around or present when you were born – or if they simply don’t remember – the next step is to try to access your birth records.

How do you do a birth chart analysis?

For the most accurate birth chart analysis, you will need the date of birth and also the hour, minute, and place of birth. The exact time of birth will affect your ascendant and the placement of your houses. If you are unable to get the exact time, make the closest possible estimate or enter 12:00 noon.

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What if I don’t know my time of birth?

As you can see, there are quite a few options available for those who don’t know their time of birth – so don’t panic. Take the steps that you can, in your own time, toward discovering a way to practice and learn about astrology that benefits your own unique situation.