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How are documents verified in IIMs?

How are documents verified in IIMs?

First of all, the scores mentioned in the application form are verified against the original documents and then, the original documents are verified against the photocopied set. Based on what all achievements make it to the application form, different IIMs ask for certificates/proofs to validate them.

How do IIMs verify OBC certificate?

  1. you have made OBC certificate on basis that your father is a farmer.
  2. IIM will verify whether certificate is original or forged.
  3. since your OBC certificate is genuine you won’t have problems on verification front.
  4. as rightly pointed out by you for govt servants creamy layer is decided by post and not by income.

Is resume needed for IIM interview?

Form filled for the particular IIM. Resume. Original Identity Card issued by government (Aadhar/ Voter Id/ PAN Card/Passport/ College Id Card) Samples of your hobbies (if there are any) like Articles written by you or Paintings.

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What documents are needed for IIM admission?

Required documents at the time of WAT/ GD and PI:

  • IIM Interview call letter.
  • CAT 2021 scorecard.
  • Class 10 mark sheet and certificate.
  • Class 12 mark sheet and certificate.
  • The graduation mark sheet and certificate.
  • Reservation category proof of certificate (if applicable)
  • Work experience certificate (if any)

What should I bring to an MBA interview?

At a minimum, you should carry:

  • Interview Call Letter.
  • Admit Card.
  • 10th Marksheet.
  • 12th Marksheet.
  • Graduation Marksheets.
  • Graduation Degree.
  • Experience Certificates of your past jobs.
  • Offer Letter of your current job.

Does MBA interview require resume?

All MBA programs require a 1-2 pages resume for MBA in their applications. Schools use your CV/resume to get a quick snapshot of your professional progression and persona. Your MBA candidate resume should focus on your professional and educational background, and highlight your achievements in these areas.