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How are farmers suffering?

How are farmers suffering?

The problem of small farmer livelihood is aggravated due to the fact that small farmers suffer from many production risks like drought, flood, lack of adequate use of inputs, poor extension leading to large yield gaps, lack of assured and adequate irrigation, crop failure and so on.

Why are farmers so depressed?

Farmers are subjected to stressful conditions that affect their success or failure, such as the uncertain weather, fluctuations in market prices and input costs, disease outbreaks, machinery breakdowns and government policies that regulate agriculture. Farmers have little control over these “make or break” factors.

How can we appreciate farmers?

Why should you appreciate farmers?

  1. Farms are a legacy, family business. 97 percent of American farms are family-owned.
  2. Farmers are dedicated to their animals’ well-being. “If you take care of your cows, they’ll take care of you,” is a common dairy farmer motto.
  3. Farmers feed us.
  4. Farming is incredibly hard.
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What are the importance of farmers?

Farmers hold the backbone of the agricultural system. As it is common knowledge that for a country to progress the gross domestic product should be reasonable, agriculture is one of the important parts. The agricultural system will only run if there are crops being grown and harvested, so this where farmers come in.

What was the effect of depression on farmers?

Farmers who had borrowed money to expand during the boom couldn’t pay their debts. As farms became less valuable, land prices fell, too, and farms were often worth less than their owners owed to the bank. Farmers across the country lost their farms as banks foreclosed on mortgages. Farming communities suffered, too.

Are farmers healthy?

Farmers and agricultural workers are believed to be healthier and have lower morbidity and mortality rates than non-farming rural and urban populations [1,2,3,4,5]. Moreover, stress in farmworkers has been recently recognized as an important public health concern.

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Whats it like being a farmer?

There are peaceful, relaxing parts of the job. Depending on what kind of farm you have, you might have seasonal downtime. Grain farms, for example, have intensely busy periods where you have to do tillage and planting, and then you get a little seasonal break while the crop is growing until it’s time to harvest.

Why should we respect farmers?

They are the most dedicating and hardworking people of the Nation. So we should respect them. A farmer is a person who feeds him self and as well as his family by a very less amount of income even after working very hard and this is the fact of their world.

Why farmers are important in our life?

Farmers have great importance in our society. They are the ones who provide us food. Since every person needs proper food for their living, so they are a necessity for the society. There are many other farmers who grow crops of other types.