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How are Greek fraternities named?

How are Greek fraternities named?

The names of almost all fraternities and sororities consist of a sequence of two or three Greek letters, for instance, Delta Delta Delta, Sigma Chi, Chi Omega, or Psi Upsilon. There are a few exceptions to this general rule, as in the case of the fraternities Triangle, Acacia, and Seal and Serpent.

Why do fraternities use Greek names?

To shed their boozy reputation. The new club wanted a fresher, more serious image so they penned their motto, charter, and eventual name in Latin and Greek to differentiate it from all those drunky clubs (and to keep their motives secret). …

How do you come up with a fraternity name?

Decide on a name for your fraternity. Because fraternities are a part of the Greek system you should pick between two or three letters of the Greek Alphabet. These letters should represent the Greek words for values you want your fraternity to embody. Make sure you choose a name that isn’t already taken.

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What does PC mean in Greek life?

Panhellenic – “All Greek” Panhellenic Council/PC – The governing body of the sororities of a particular campus.

What do the Greek fraternity letters mean?

They chose the Greek letters Phi Beta Kappa because those letters represented their secret motto: Philosophia Bios Kybernethes, which roughly translates to “Philosophy is the guide to life.”

What was the first fraternity?

Phi Beta Kappa
The very first fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776, and was kept a “secret”.

What does Neo mean in Greek life?

Neophyte (aka “Neo”) A new member of a cultural Greek organization. New Member Presentation (aka Rollout, Probate) A formal presentation of a new line to campus. Usually done in a public forum after members have been initiated.

What does Spec mean in Greek?

SPECial / SPEC (Pronounced as Spesh) (NPHC): This is a term used to characterize the close or. “special” relationship that another member of the same of different HBGLO form during the intake process.